Shift your enterprise

Join next to engage your employees & create “Impact Champions” within your corporation

Shift your strategy & culture towards more sustainable business models

Global experts

Self Taught


Year Collaboration
Masterclasses available 24/7
+ 0
of meetings per Collaborator
+ 0 h

A tangible ROI


Increase employee Retention rate

Employee retention rate for Impact Champions subsequent to using next for a year. 

This benefits the company on employer brand & employee retention rate.

Increase employee skills & knowledge

Impact Champions have acquire new skills & knowledge on Sustainability after joining next.

This benefits the company in productivity increase & financial profit linked to sustainable strategies.

Spread Impact priorities across teams

Risk reduction generated , the risk of not capturing a good opportunity due to poor communication between bottom/middle management & top management. 

This benefits the company in higher productivity & the creation of new sustainable revenue pockets.

Tested by collaborators from

A precise Methodology

Months 1 > Month 4

Months 5 > Month 8

Months 9 > Month 12

Owning the Sustainability

Impact Champions are selected. Through masterclasses as well as Peer to peer Sessions & Board Sessions, they truly understand and absorb the company’s priorities in terms of Sustainability. 

Reducing your Impact

Champions take part in Peer to Peer & Board Sessions to focus on how concrete measures can be applied to their day to day to reduce the enterprise’s carbon footprint.

Sustainable Revenue

Through Peer to Peer & Board Sessions, Champions discuss with their company’s top management on the different revenue pockets which can be created in their company to foster sustainable change and financial profit.

next priorities

5 priorities we focus on, that enterprises can choose from

Sustainable Business Ecosystem


Waste & Pollution Reduction

Sustainable KPI'S

Diversity & Inclusion

How to build your entire business model around being transparent with your suppliers, business partners, clients. How to implicate them & make sustainable choices.

Measure your impact on biodiversity with 5 factors of Erosion & reduce it. Put in place concrete objectives to meet objectives from the Paris agreements.

Reduce Carbon  emissions on all supply chain by 40% for 2030. Adapt this reduction in accordance with established Decarbonization plan.

Pilot essential KPI’s eg: Employee satisfaction / Health at work / Parity & Diversity / Governance / Pro-bono work / Community life / Environmental Impact / Adopt them internally & share them externally.

Oversee internal social policies eg: Inclusive recruiting / Equality of chances / Handicaps / Parenthood / LGBTQIA + / Discrimination.